2024.06.28 Press Release

Notice of Change of Directors and Executive Officers

Press Release PDF

Axcelead, Inc. announces that the following executive appointments were made at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on June 28, 2024 and the Board of Directors meeting held after the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.

1. Directors (Effective June 28, 2024)

NameNew / ReappointmentNew Position, etc.
Tomoyuki FujisawaReappointmentChairperson
Nobuhiro TodokoroNewRepresentative Director
Yoshinori IkeuraReappointmentBoard Director
Satoru IinoReappointmentBoard Director
Junichi KajimotoNewBoard Director
Seiji ToyamaReappointmentExternal Board Director
Tadashi TakiguchiReappointmentExternal Board Director
Nobuhiko YamadaReappointment *1Director (Full-time Audit Board Member)
Takuji IkutaReappointmentOutside Director (Audit Committee Member)
Emi KunitomoReappointmentOutside Director (Audit Committee Member)

*1  Nobuhiko Yamada, who was a Board Director, was reappointed as a member of the Audit Committee. Nobuhiko Yamada will be a full-time Audit Board Member.

*2  Hiroki Maekawa, Masamichi Sato, and Miho Fujisawa, who were directors, will retire from their posts as directors at the end of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on June 28, 2024 due to expiration of their terms of office, and will become executive officers. This is based on the Group’s policy to further strengthen corporate governance by separating management oversight and execution.

*3  Atsushi Matsumura, the former Chairperson, and Makoto Kojima, Director, who was a member of the Audit Committee, resigned due to expiration of their term of office at the end of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on June 28, 2024.

[Reason for the change in representative directors]

To further strengthen the management structure in accelerating the Group’s growth.

2. Executive Officer (effective July 1, 2024)

NameNew Positionformer position
Nobuhiro TodokoroRepresentative Director, President and CEOCorporate Officer
Yoshinori IkeuraBorad Director, Co-CEO and CTOPresident and CEO
Hiroki MaekawaCorporate Officer CFOBoard Director and Chief Financial Officer / Chief Administrative Officer (CFO/CAO)
Masamichi SatoCorporate Officer CSOBoard Director and Chief Operating Officer(COO)
Miho FujisawaCorporate Officer (Impact Management Supervisor)Corporate Officer Group HR
Yo NakajimaCorporate Officer (Group DX Supervisor)Corporate Officer, Group DX
Satoshi TakamatsuCorporate Officer (CDMO business Supervisor)Corporate Officer, Head of CDMO Business
Kengo OkadaCorporate Officer (Drug Discovery Support Business Supervisor)Corporate Officer, Head of CRO Business
※CTO:Chief Technology Officer、CFO:Chief Financial Officer、CSO:Chief Strategic Officer

3. Profile of Nobuhiro Todokoro, new Representative Director, President and CEO

2023      Managing Director, Whiz Partners Inc. Resigned in conjunction with his appointment as President  
    and CEO of Axcelead, Inc.
2022      Representative Director, Senior Managing Executive Officer, Nitto Denko Corporation
2021      Director, Senior Managing Executive Officer, Nitto Denko Corporation
2019      Director, Managing Executive Officer, Nitto Denko Corporation
2017      Executive Officer, General Manager of Information Functional Materials Business Division, Nitto
    Denko Corporation
    Director, Senior Executive Officer, General Manager of Information Functional Materials Business
    Division, Nitto Denko Corporation
2015      Executive Officer, General Manager of Information Functional Materials Division, Information
    Functional Materials Business Unit, Nitto Denko Corporation
1989      Nitto Denko Corporation

【About Axcelead】

Axcelead represents a holding company as healthcare platformer which owns a group of companies which are developing a world-class healthcare platform for drug discovery. Axcelead DDP, Japan’s first integrated drug discovery CRO, functions as the core company of the Axcelead group that took over Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited’s drug discovery platform business in 2017. ARCALIS has become Japan’s only one-stop mRNA contract drug development and manufacturing organization (CDMO).

Axcelead also owns A-Digital, which develops a drug discovery digital platform to increase drug discovery efficacy by 100 times, and the American company, PassPort Technologies, Inc. in San Diego, California (“PassPort”). PassPort is a company that develops combination products of active pharmaceutical ingredients and medical devices based on next-generation transdermal drug delivery technology. Axcelead will promote the drug discovery ecosystem in Japan and will make various contributions to healthcare broadly and globally.

For more information on Axcelead, please visit the company’s website at