The social challenges (purpose) for us to solve are “to meet unmet medical needs”, which we define specifically as undiagnosed diseases, insufficient therapeutic approaches to improve quality of life, limited access physically, and the financial impact of various therapeutic approaches.
Here are the themes for us to tackle by utilizing our resources and knowledge.

We aim that our business itself creates social impacts. Specifically, we accelerate our business along with impact creating processes (Logic Model) including the below four important points.

  • Contribution to the pharmaceutical industry eco system
  • Business enhancement and success of subsidiaries
  • Maximization of Axcelead group synergy
  • Partnership building with companies and organizations outside of the Axcelead group

Recognizing employees as a company asset that is essential to improve corporate value. We secure diverse talents who will drive innovation and maximize performance by increasing their engagement and embodying our values

  • Acquiring and maximizing talent engagement
  • Fostering a culture of taking on challenges without fear of change
  • Developing an organization that improves collaboration between businesses, and departments and productivity

We incorporate the below four points as our business infrastructure to company management.

  • Providing responsible products and services
  • Considering the environment
  • Respecting human rights and trusting the supply chain
  • Incorporating stakeholders and impact governance

For more information, refer to the definitions and index of “Success of diverse employees” and “Reinforcement of business infrastructure”
Click here for “the Axcelead Group Human Rights Policy”
Click here for “the Axcelead Group Supplier Code of Conduct”


Axelead defines materialities as important issues impactful to us and our stakeholders to enhance sustainable development of society and our business. As materialities can be either opportunities or risks in mid to long term, we consider them as the core of our business policies and business strategy such as mid-term plans or business plans.  

The Board of Directors appropriately supervise our efforts to address materiality and strive to improve enterprise value over the mid to long term. Important matters related to materiality are decided after being discussed or reported to the Board of Directors via the Executive Boards.

Axcelead places importance on dialogue with stakeholders, strives to disclose information appropriately, and responds to trust and expectations with sincerity.


Axcelead contributes through all of our activities to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that the international community aims to achieve by 2030 in order to create a better society.


Support research and development of vaccines and pharmaceuticals for infectious and non-infectious diseases that mainly affect developing countries. It will also provide access to cheap essential medicines and vaccines in accordance with the TRIPS Agreement on Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights and the Doha Declaration on Public Health. The Declaration is under development to maximize the flexibility provisions of the TRIPS Agreement on Public Health Protection and, in particular, the provision of access to medicines to all. It is a commitment of national rights.


Develop quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure, including regional and cross-border infrastructure, to support economic development and human welfare with an emphasis on cheap and equitable access to all.


Promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and significantly increase the proportion of the industrial sector in employment and GDP by 2030, depending on the circumstances of each country. For least developed countries, the ratio will be doubled.