- 2021.11.25Axcelead DDP was rated as “Excellent” by Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) in a program for “Drug Discovery Seeds Development”, which demonstrates Axcelead DDP’s ability of integrated and high-quality drug discovery research. Press Release
- 2021.11.01Axcelead DDP, xFOREST Therapeutics, and Kyowa Kirin Initiated an Collaboration in RNA Structures Targeted Drug Discovering Press Release
- 2021.10.26Notice of Axcelead’s Office Relocation Press Release
- 2021.10.25Axcelead DDP participates in “MONSTAR-SCREEN-2” of the industry-academia collaborative Cancer Genome Screening Project “SCRUM-Japan” Press Release
- 2021.10.18Axcelead Drug Discovery Partners has entered into a comprehensive agreement including transfer of key drug discovery platforms with a major Japanese pharmaceutical company Press Release